These general terms and conditions regulate the rights and obligations of Tidies s.r.o., with registered office at Zavarská 10/S, 917 01 Trnava, Slovakia, ID No.: 54 194 300, VAT No.: 2121629312, VAT No.: SK2121629312, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court of Trnava, Section: Sro , File No.: 53500/T tel: +421 948 056 951, e-mail: (hereinafter also referred to as the "seller") and the buyer.
The Seller is the operator of the online shop
The Buyer is a natural or legal person who registers through the Seller's online shop or orders goods through it (hereinafter also referred to as the "Buyer").
By using the Seller's online shop and confirming the order, the Buyer agrees to these Terms and Conditions.
Supervisory authority: the SOI Inspectorate for Trnava
2.1 The Buyer orders the goods via the Seller's online shop, by phone or by mail.
The order made in this way shall be considered binding and shall be understood as a distance contract in accordance with the Act on Consumer Protection in Doorstep and Mail Order Sales, as amended.
2.2. For each order, the Buyer must specify the name and surname, delivery and billing address, telephone number, e-mail; for natural and legal persons and entrepreneurs, the ID number, VAT number, VAT number, the name of the goods, the number of items, (an order via the Seller's online shop meets these conditions automatically).
These data will be used only within the framework of the business relationship between the Seller and the Buyer and will not be disclosed to a third party (except for the person arranging the transport of the goods), in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.
2.3. Upon receipt of the order, the order will be registered in the Seller's system and at that time the business relationship between the Seller and the Buyer is established. Within 24 hours (working days) at the latest, the Seller shall verify the order, the method of transport and notify the possible delivery time or collection date, the final price and the method of payment. From this date the order is binding for the Buyer.
2.4. The Buyer has the right to cancel the order without charge within 24 hours of ordering the goods without giving any reason. Confirmation of cancellation shall be notified by the Seller to the Buyer in writing.
2.5. If the Seller is unable to deliver the ordered goods, the Seller shall have the right to cancel such order. If the amount for the ordered goods has already been paid, the Seller shall send it back to the Buyer by bank transfer.
The validity of an electronic order is subject to its true and complete completion. The sent order is a draft purchase contract. The purchase contract is formed by the confirmation of the order by the Seller via e-mail.
By submitting an electronic order, the buyer confirms that he/she has read these terms and conditions and that he/she agrees to them. By submitting an electronic order, the Buyer accepts all provisions of the terms and conditions as in force on the date of sending this order, as well as the valid price of the ordered goods listed on the website.
The ownership of the goods passes to the buyer upon receipt and payment of the purchase price.
3.1 Delivery times vary for different types of goods. The delivery or collection date will always be communicated to the Buyer when verifying the order.
3.2. In general, the delivery or collection date is between 2 and 10 days from the date of order verification.
3.3. In exceptional cases, where certain types of goods are out of stock and not available from manufacturers and importers, the delivery time may be longer.
4.1 The price of the goods is stated on the Seller's website. Prices are subject to change. The Seller reserves the right to change prices in response to changes in manufacturers' and importers' prices. The valid price of the goods will always be communicated when the order is verified.
4.2 The Buyer shall pay by cash on delivery or electronic payment.
4.3 When handing over the goods, the Buyer shall pay the price for the goods + shipping costs and, where applicable, the price of cash on delivery.
4.4 The Buyer chooses the method of transport when creating an order in the Seller's online shop or by any other means of communication.
4.5 The amount of the shipping costs will always be communicated to the Buyer when verifying the order.
5.1 The Buyer undertakes to take delivery of the goods at the agreed time at the address indicated on the order.
5.2 When taking delivery of the goods, the Buyer is obliged to check the physical integrity and completeness of the consignment. If the consignment is visibly damaged and destroyed, the Buyer is obliged to contact the Seller immediately without taking delivery of the consignment and to draw up a Consignment Damage Record with the freight forwarding company. Any subsequent claims for quantity and physical damage to the goods will not be accepted.
5.3. The Buyer shall only acquire title to the goods upon payment of the full price and any other sums of money agreed in the distance purchase contract to the Seller's account. Until such time as title passes from the Seller to the Buyer in possession of the Goods, the Buyer shall have all the obligations of a bailee of the Goods and shall, at its own expense, keep the Goods securely stored and marked in such a way that they are at all times identifiable as the Seller's Goods.
5.4 The Seller shall be entitled to demand performance of its obligations, in particular payment of the price for the Goods, notwithstanding that title to the Goods has not yet passed to the Buyer.
5.5 The risk of damage to the Goods shall pass to the Buyer at the time of acceptance by the Buyer or its attorney.
6.1 The Buyer is entitled to withdraw from the contract within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the goods without giving any reason. Withdrawal from the contract must be made in writing, must contain all the data used to identify the goods, must be delivered within the aforementioned period together with the goods to the Seller's address or another address designated by the Seller.
6.2. The goods must not be damaged, used, must be in the original packaging and together with the goods the Buyer must hand over all the documents relating to the goods in question (instruction manual, warranty card, proof of acquisition, etc.), which he received when purchasing them. The Buyer agrees and acknowledges that in this case the written form is understood to be the withdrawal document signed by the Buyer.
Goods are not returnable on delivery. Goods sent in this way will not be accepted and returned.
6.3 If the Buyer complies with the above obligations, the Seller shall take back the goods and, within 15 days from the date of withdrawal, return the price paid for the goods or the advance payment made by the Buyer for the goods to the Buyer in a previously agreed manner.
6.4 The Buyer may not withdraw from a distance purchase contract, in particular in the following cases:
(a) in the case of a contract involving the provision of a service, if the performance of the service has begun with the consent of the purchaser before the expiry of the withdrawal period
(b) in the case of a contract involving the sale of goods or services the price of which depends on price movements on the financial market, which cannot be influenced by the seller
c) where the contract is for the sale of goods made to the buyer's specific
requirements or goods intended specifically for a single buyer or goods which, because of their characteristics, cannot be returned
6.5. The Seller reserves the right to cancel the order (withdraw from the contract) or part of it if:
a) the goods are no longer manufactured or have ceased to be manufactured
b) the price of the supplier of the goods has changed
c) the displayed price of the goods was erroneous
7.1 Specific warranty and service conditions are set out in the respective warranty certificates of the selected goods, which the buyer receives upon purchase of the goods.
7.2 In general, unless otherwise stated in the warranty certificates, the warranty period for the performance of consumer contracts is set at a minimum of 24 months or, from above, limited to the date of consumption of the goods. The purchaser in this case is a person who is not acting within the scope of his trade or other business. Only goods purchased and paid for from the seller may be claimed. When making a claim, the Buyer is obliged to deliver (if the nature of the goods allows it - built-up goods) the claimed goods clean, mechanically undamaged, in the original packaging, including manuals, warranty card, invoice or other proof of payment of the goods to the Seller. When making a claim, the Buyer shall follow the instructions set out in the warranty card.
7.3. The right to warranty shall be extinguished in the event that the defect was caused by mechanical damage to the product, operation of the product in unsuitable conditions, unprofessional assembly, non-compliance with the relevant standards on the part of the Buyer or the person who performed the assembly for the Buyer, or in the event of tampering with the product by a person other than an authorised person. Defects caused by natural disasters and improper handling are also excluded from the warranty.
7.4 In the event of a claim, the Buyer is advised to notify the Seller by telephone that the Goods are defective and how the defect has manifested itself. On the basis of this information, the Buyer will be advised on how to proceed with the claim.
8.1. Predávajúci si vyhradzuje právo zmeny ceny. Pri zmene ceny predávajúci kontaktuje kupujúceho. Kupujúci má právo pri takto upravených cenách objednávku stornovať.
8.3. Kupujúci prehlasuje, že pred vyplnením alebo oznámením objednávky sa oboznámil s týmito všeobecnými obchodnými podmienkami a že s nimi súhlasí.
8.4. Bez ohľadu na ostatné ustanovenia zmluvy, predávajúci nezodpovedá kupujúcemu za ušlý zisk, stratu príležitostí alebo žiadne iné nepriame alebo následné straty v dôsledku nedbalosti, porušenia zmluvy alebo vzniknuté iným spôsobom.
8.5. Tieto všeobecné obchodné podmienky boli formulované a ustanovené v dobrej viere, za účelom splnenia zákonných podmienok a úprav korektných obchodných vzťahov medzi predávajúcim a kupujúcim. V prípade, ak sa preukážu kompetentným orgánom Slovenskej republiky niektoré ustanovenia týchto podmienok ako neplatné alebo nevynútiteľné, a to celkom alebo čiastočne, platnosť a vynútiteľnosť ostatných ustanovení a zvyšné časti príslušného ustanovenia tým zostávajú nedotknuté.
8.6. Práva kupujúceho (spotrebiteľa) vo vzťahu k predávajúcemu vyplývajúce zo zákona o ochrane spotrebiteľa č. 634/1992 Zb. v znení neskorších zmien a predpisov a zákona o ochrane spotrebiteľa pri podomovom predaji a zásielkovom predaji č. 108/2000 Z.z v znení neskorších zmien a predpisov, zostávajú týmito podmienkami nedotknuté.
Právne vzťahy a podmienky tu výslovne neupravené ako aj prípadné spory vzniknuté z neplnenia týchto podmienok sa riadia príslušnými ustanoveniami Obchodného alebo Občianskeho zákonníka.
8.7. Predávajúci a kupujúci sa dohodli, že plne uznávajú komunikáciu na diaľku – telefonickú, faxovú (vrátane ručne vypísanej objednávky), elektronickú formu komunikácie, najmä prostredníctvom elektronickej pošty a internetovej siete ako platnú a záväznú pre obe zmluvné strany.
8.8. Všetky osobné údaje poskytnuté kupujúcim v rámci objednávky tovaru či registrácie prostredníctvom internetového obchodu sú zhromažďované, spracovávané a uchovávané v súlade so zákonom č. 122/2013 Z.z. o ochrane osobných údajov.
Odoslaním objednávky, resp. uzatvorením kúpnej zmluvy, dáva kupujúci v súlade so zák. č. 122/2013 Z.z. súhlas predávajúcemu so spracovaním, zhromažďovaním a uchovávaním jeho osobných údajov pre účely uzavretia kúpnej zmluvy, vybavenia objednávok a súvisiacej komunikácie s kupujúcim.
Kupujúci má právo na prístup k svojim osobným údajom, právo na ich opravu, vrátane ďalších zákonných práv k týmto údajom.
8.9. Predávajúci neposkytuje, nezverejňuje a nesprístupňuje osobné údaje kupujúcich žiadnej ďalšej osobe, s výnimkou: spoločností zabezpečujúcich prepravu tovaru, ktorým sú osobné údaje kupujúcich odovzdávané v minimálnom rozsahu potrebnom na účely doručenia tovaru.
8.10. Súhlas so spracovaním osobných údajov a zasielaním obchodných informácií je udelený na dobu neurčitú a je možné ho kedykoľvek zdarma odvolať výslovným a určitým prejavom v písomnej forme adresovanej predávajúcemu, a to poštou, telefonicky alebo elektronicky na e-mail Odvolaním súhlasu so spracovaním osobných údajov dôjde zároveň k zrušeniu registrácie.
8.11. Kupujúci má právo obrátiť sa na predávajúceho so žiadosťou o nápravu, ak nie je spokojný so spôsobom, ktorým predávajúci vybavil jeho reklamáciu alebo ak sa domnieva, že predávajúci porušil jeho práva.
Ak predávajúci na žiadosť kupujúceho odpovie zamietavo alebo na ňu do 30 dní odo dňa jej odoslania neodpovie vôbec, kupujúci má právo podať návrh na začatie alternatívneho riešenia sporu (ďalej len „ARS“).
Formou ARS môžu byť riešené iba spory vyplývajúce zo zmluvy medzi predávajúcim a kupujúcim (spotrebiteľom) a spory s touto zmluvou súvisiace, s výnimkou sporov podľa ust. § 1 ods. 4 zákona č. 391/2015 Z.z. a sporov, ktorých hodnota neprevyšuje 20 EUR. Návrh na začatie ARS sa podáva k subjektu ARS podľa ust. § 3 citovaného zákona, a to za pomoci k tomu určenej platformy alebo formulára, ktorého vzor tvorí prílohu č. 1 citovaného zákona.
Subjekt ARS môže od kupujúceho požadovať úhradu poplatku za začatie ARS, maximálne však do výšky 5 EUR s DPH. Ak sú na ARS príslušné viaceré subjekty, právo voľby, ktorému z nich podá návrh, má kupujúci. Okrem ARS má spotrebiteľ právo obrátiť sa na vecne a miestne príslušný všeobecný alebo rozhodcovský súd.
Platforma ARS je dostupná na internetových stránkach: