How to start the year organized and how to keep yourself in order.

Hi, after a long time I got to writing a blog. I had a good motivation since the new year has started. I said goodbye to the old one with a lot of humility and gratitude. It has been a year of great challenges, joys and worries, but here I am and all my loved ones and the entire Tidies team is here, grateful and ready to start the new year with ease and most importantly, organized.

It's January 2, this day is a day of motivation and inspiration, and in fact the whole month of January is a month of organizing. In 2005, the Association of Professional Coordinators decided that they wanted to raise awareness about the importance of organizing and the value of the job of a professional organizer. Which is great, and all of us at Tidies are excited because having an organized home is uplifting not only for your life, but also for your soul. And our mission is to help you organize your home and any space that needs organization and system in a way that makes sense and most importantly, makes your life easier. Because people, it really works. If you have the right system in place for your exact needs, and it all fits the space, it's a win. Sometimes it can be a challenge, because knowing which product is right for you requires good strategy and planning. That doesn't matter at all, that's what the professional organisers at Tidies are here to help you and make the whole process of organising run smoothly. So, if you decide to start your year by organizing and arranging your spaces to make that life easier, these are a few of my tips to help motivate and inspire you to achieve a simple and uncluttered home.

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Step 1


Removing things we no longer need.

Take everything out of the space you're going to organize and start sorting. Create categories like: THROW AWAY- DONATE- SELL- KEEP. This is the method we use at Tidies and it's just a way to get started, so I recommend it. Stop being hard on yourself and know that letting go of excess will only help you clear space in your life to truly enjoy the things that matter most to you.

Step 2


Divide the things you need and use into categories.

Divide things into categories and create zones: bowls, appliances, baking items, etc. Don't mix things that are not related, e.g. food and pots. It's messy and doesn't make sense. It's the same in other areas. In your wardrobe, separate clothes by type or the way you wear them, e.g. yoga stuff, hiking stuff, long sleeve shirt, short sleeve shirt, etc. Whatever helps you stay organized is the system. Or create your own, there is no other method than the one that suits you. Focus on setting up those routines that allow you to manage your home so that you have time for the things that are really important.

Step 3


Organizing aids.

Choosing the right products to help keep the space organized is key.

Believe it or not, sometimes you can't do without them. Choosing the right products to keep your space organized is the path to success. Before you buy, measure your space carefully and think about what you want to store in it and tailor your organizer accordingly. And one more very important thing. Invest in quality organizers designed for professional organization. Investing in quality products tailored for your space, designed for professional organizing is key. Instead of saving up and buying a quality product, you'd rather buy a cheaper one that will break down. So in reality, you're spending a lot more money on constantly buying new cheap products that don't work than you would if you saved up and bought a more expensive one. My own experience, and this is why at Tidies we use quality products that are worth the price and we don't even want any others. If we used cheap and poor quality ones, I would feel it was wrong and moreover, it's a waste of time and money too, and I don't like that. If anything, I already do, but of course it's everyone's personal thing. I do, however, think organizing should be seen as an investment in furnishing your home. Just like you buy a good quality washing machine or dishwasher, there are products to organize.

Temporary solutions that don't work and the mess keeps coming back can be frustrating. That's why it pays to invest in quality products and put a stop to the chaos once and for all.

Step 4


Any clutter in our lives robs us of time, money and energy and prevents us from living better.

The organisation will help you create a system to help you do this. After all, life is complicated enough, so eliminating unnecessary chaos can be liberating. Everything has its place, but to keep that space, my advice, don't forget the labels. You'll know what to find where, but also where to put it back, somehow subconsciously it will force you until it becomes a habit. If you take something out, put it back 🤓 The easiest way to prevent clutter is to get in the habit of putting the item back after use. A small step, but a big difference in maintaining order.

You need to set the standard in the home when it comes to keeping the environment clutter-free. Therefore, it is very important to clean your home regularly.

The habits of organised people without unnecessary clutter consist in regularly clearing their dwellings of random things that have no use. Take a garbage bag and go through your home once in a while and without regret put away everything that does not serve and unnecessarily creates clutter. By getting rid of clutter, we automatically open up new opportunities and space for further personal growth. And the lightness on the soul is indescribable.

Step 5


The relationship between you and your space can be complicated, as all relationships are, but it does not matter, there is a balance to be sought. At Tidies, we educate our clients on how to maintain their new dream space. It's great when everyone involved is in the same boat. Everyone knows what to find where, where to put it back.

It's not enough that you've cleared the junk off the kitchen cupboards, now you need to explain to yourself and your family where things should be going. You'll also need to hold everyone accountable so that you can continue using your new system until it becomes a habit for everyone.


Focus on setting up those routines that allow you to manage your home so that you have time for the things that are really important.

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When the mess is out of control, people feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start. If you've reached this stage and feel like you can't handle it, don't hesitate to ask a professional organizer for help. Sometimes all it takes is a little help to get the process started. Our job is to create systems for a specific space tailored exactly to your ideas and lifestyle. We spend hours doing this and have helped many of our clients organize their homes. When you see how much easier it is to find items and figure out what you own, it will motivate you to venture into the next area.

Clients repeatedly tell me it's life changing! We love to help, it's our mission. Feel free to contact us if you need help organizing your home, we look forward to hearing from you.

A lot of people are hard on themselves when they make resolutions for the new year and don't keep them. Whether it's weight loss, work goals, or organization, setting realistic goals can work better to achieve success in the new year.

January is the month of organizing, so stay tuned for more tips to simplify your home and life.

Thank you for following us, it is a pleasure to inspire and motivate you.

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