Simple rules for disorganised people who want order

Many clients use my services not only to create a system, but also to inspire them to fall in love with their home again. You may ask if this is possible and my answer is YES! Tidies goal is not just to organize and arrange, but to help make the necessary changes to create a new simplified and peaceful space. To make work easier and life a little nicer. Learning to love your home is about accepting what can and cannot change. Start your transformation with these simple tips that might just change your life! Life isn't perfect, but your home can be.


  1. You have to give up things that don't serve


How much stuff do you have?

And this is where it all begins. The first and very important step of decluttering. Give away everything that no longer serves, is dysfunctional and you don't need.

If you have a closet overflowing with clothes and you don't even know what you own or where to look, "you have too much stuff." It's too chaotic and it will be hard to tidy everything up and live in an organized way. And why should you clean things you don't even want? You just need to get on with it. Make piles to DONATE, SELL, THROW AWAY, REPEAT and see how it starts to dwindle. By donating, you'll make someone happy and your home will gain breathing room.


  1. Start small


Don't overload yourself by packing on more than you can handle. Clutter is not created overnight and willpower is a limited resource, and you are unlikely to change the way you have been living. Build up your confidence, don't get overwhelmed by all the changes you have to deal with and keep up. Small steps will ensure that you don't get off track and start living in an organised way that suits you and makes you feel content.

For example, start with one drawer or cabinet in the bathroom. Try it, you will see how the space works perfectly and the order is sustainable. It will motivate you to organize other areas of the home as well. Baby steps, my friends, give it a try.


  1. Create a tailor-made system


You have made the decision to rearrange your household and change the way you have been living. What's important now. Create a system to make order sustainable and life a little easier - you need a good strategy. When searching for the perfect system tailored exactly for your space to fit your needs and lifestyle, you need to have a plan.

Before you start shopping for different organizers and baskets, don't forget to measure the space. You need to think about what and where you want to store, what food you want to store in the bins and tailor the organiser to make the space as efficient as possible. If you don't know which organiser is right for your space, don't hesitate to ask a professional for help. Professional organizers spend many hours creating room systems and have a lot of hands-on experience. It's a way to save a lot of time and you don't have to be on your own to do it. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, this way you will have a good companion along the way throughout the process.


  1. Pay attention to high impact areas


We should pay the most attention to the chaotic areas that are stressing you out, affecting you the most and preventing you from living better. Take the time to find out. Maybe it's the grocery cupboard that makes you anxious every time you open it because you can't find anything and you don't even keep track of what you have and what you already need to buy. Maybe it's your hallway because everything is everywhere and nothing has a place, you have nowhere to put your keys, you have no system, meaning you're looking for them at the last minute. It's unnecessarily stressful and you lose so much time.


  1. Give everything a home


If you want to keep your home tidy and not have so much cleaning to do. You need to get into the habit of always putting everything back in its place after use. Every object, every item in your home needs to go somewhere, it needs to find a home. There is nothing worse when you hold an object in your hand and don't know where to put it.


  1. Similar items in total


Store similar items together. At the beginning of any organizing project, start by cleaning, sorting, and keeping similar items together. Whether in the closet, kitchen, pantry or garage, when you keep things together, you'll have order. For example, in the pantry, pasta, sugar and baking or utilitarian items like duct tape. Flashlights, etc. Everything needs to have a place so you have an idea where to put everything you bring into your home.

It is especially useful when you suddenly need baby Panadol at 3:00 in the night.


  1. Tag your systems



Repeat after me labels, they are very important and are the key to preserving space. And this, we professional organizers, cannot stress this more. There's a reason why labeling things at the end of the process is so important. When you know what to find where, you also know where to put it back, and that's how you keep the order you're just maintaining in the long run. Especially if there are more of you at home. Somehow, subconsciously, it forces you to put it where it just belongs until you make a habit of it. And that's the goal of all organization. Try it and see how you could live without them.

  1. Buy less

With any organization, when you start sorting and throwing away what you don't need you realize how much money you've spent on things that don't serve any purpose. And that's a reason to think about bringing new things into your home, do it less and in smaller quantities.

Whenever you feel the urge to buy something, ask yourself. Do I need it? Do I have room for it? Do I need another 15th jacket? For many people, shopping, even for practical things, is a means of short-term gratification, try to resist it. Watch out for triggers. Organisation isn't just about order, it's an important step in learning to live with less, which of course will also save you money. Finding the balance between what you need and want is a discipline.


  1. Satisfaction with every cleaned space


It's as they say: "Energy flows where attention goes." If you consciously lean into the contentment of each space you clean, that joy and sense of pride will propel you forward.

It's such a secret trick to make any positive change in your life. Organize something. After all, organization means when you open a drawer that is neat and orderly and you feel a sense of satisfaction. So happy organizing.

I say it all the time, but it's never about not enough space, it's about too much stuff. Simplifying and organizing your home alleviates daily frustrations, saves you time, money and makes your home a calm, happy and relaxing place you want to come back to at the end of the day.

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