The impact of the organisation on children with ADHD and the path to success and independence

Organization can have a positive impact on children with ADHD by providing structure and routine, which helps them better manage their symptoms. Good organization can include clear guidelines, schedules, and timelines, which helps create a stable environment. Children with ADHD and ADD can have significant difficulty concentrating, and organization can provide them with support and an environment where they can learn and complete tasks more effectively.


The impact of organization on children with ADHD and the path to success and independence.


Children with disabilities such as ADHD and ADD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) face unique challenges in their daily lives, and not only the children, but their parents as well. It's a big challenge that requires a great deal of patience, determination and an incredible amount of time. Children with any kind of learning disability require more time and attention, they are more dependent on us parents. As the saying goes who doesn't have such a child is hard to understand. We also went through this with our younger son Rishko had and still has significant attention and learning problems but we have coped. We have been through a tough road and sometimes those feelings of despair and crying have been bad, but breathe a sigh of relief and need to move on. I'm not a psychologist or a special educator, but I am a mom and every mom and dad knows that it's not always easy especially with kids with issues like ADHD. However, there is no need to give up we need to suck it up and hang in there. Rishko is an adult now and together we have learned to live with and adapt to this diagnosis. But I have to say that without close cooperation with the school and the teachers who teach your child, it is hard to cope. We have the huge advantage that Riško attends BESST - a private bilingual school in Trnava, he is now in his last year of high school and without the support of teachers, psychologists, special educator and the whole school management it would be extremely difficult. Therefore, a big thank you to BESST. As a mum, I have always tried to find ways to make things easier for myself when it comes to organisation. To look for the simplest, most practical and efficient solutions. Because children with ADHD and ADD need to have a simple and undisturbed environment to be able to cope with the chaos around them. Following a methodical approach to each task, finding a place for everything, labeling everything can all help and make everyday tasks easier. It's important to remember that good organisation can have a significant impact on their wellbeing, learning and independence and all of this makes your job easier too. In this blog, we will explore how organisation can positively impact children with ADHD and help them reach their full potential.




  1. Creating structure and routines

Children with ADHD often have difficulty concentrating and organising their tasks. Establishing a stable structure and routine helps them have clear expectations and leads them to better manage their responsibilities. Having a regular schedule for learning, playing and resting allows them to better adapt to daily activities.

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  1. Clear instructions and plans

The organization provides children with ADHD with clear instructions and plans for completing tasks. This reduces the amount of decisions they have to make and allows them to focus more effectively on the task at hand. Children can monitor progress and see progress, which increases their sense of self-confidence.

  1. Support for learning

The school environment can be challenging for children with ADHD. Organization at school, as well as at home, can include the use of visual aids, colors, and note-taking, which helps to better grasp and retain information. An organized learning environment reduces chaotic perceptions and allows them to focus better.

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  1. Management of tasks and responsibilities

The organisation supports children with ADHD to manage their roles and responsibilities. It helps them to break down larger tasks into smaller steps and follow a progression. Step by step needs to be gone at systematically and methodically. They try to complete one task and then move on to another. This way they learn to plan and self-direct, which is an important skill for the future.



  1. Improving self-regulation

Children with ADHD may have difficulty with self-regulation and impulse control. Organization helps them develop these skills as they learn to wait, plan, and concentrate on a goal. Gradually, they become better at dealing with challenging situations.

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  1. Organisation of premises

For children with ADHD, organizing the environment in which they live is particularly beneficial and really to master all tasks, it is the key to success. From organising the desk where they need an undisturbed environment when learning. Clothes so they know where to look for what and where to store it too, for example clothes for home or school. Time to play, where to direct what toys. To have everything labelled so they know what to find where but also where to put it back. That way they can keep things tidy in the long term. And what is most important in my experience is simplicity and peace of mind. The simpler the arrangement and less stuff, only what your child really needs. Try it, it has a calming effect. And that's important to make us all feel at ease. And at Tidies, it's our pleasure to help you create simple systems and organise an environment in your homes that's a joy to work, live and relax in.

Simply family comfort.


The organization has had a tremendous impact on children with ADHD, helping them manage symptoms and achieve success. By creating structure, providing clear instructions and plans, and supporting their learning, it improves their ability to focus, manage tasks, and cope with life's challenges. With support from family, school and community, children with ADHD can reach their full potential and become confident and successful individuals.


I wish you children and parents good luck, determination, patience and support.


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